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Use language and non-verbal modes of expression appropriate to the audience and purpose. (GE Breadth Areas A and C)

Examples: Students will be able to:

  1. Compose coherent written communication appropriate to the audience.

  2. Read and analyze written communication appropriate to the subject.

  3. Construct and deliver oral communication appropriate to the audience.

  4. Comprehend, analyze, and utilize aural and visual communication in its various modes.

  5. Design and deliver presentations appropriate to the audience.


Use mathematical skills and various aspects of technology appropriate to the task. (GE Breadth Areas A and B)

Examples: Students will be able to:

  1. Analyze and apply mathematical concepts to an appropriate task.

  2. Appraise various aspects of technology and apply them to an appropriate task.


Use critical thinking skills to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and information. (GE Breadth Areas A, B and C)

Examples: Students will be able to:

  1. Evaluate information and incorporate it into appropriate tasks.

  2. Analyze information, develop an opinion, and support it.

  3. Examine, create, and/or evaluate materials and objects by using aesthetic criteria.

  4. Analyze and solve problems using logical and creative methods.

  5. Assess the impact of science and technology on the world.

Global and Community Consciousness and Responsibility

Demonstrate understanding of different cultures and knowledge of historical eras and importance of community involvement. (GE Breadth Areas D)

Examples: Students will be able to:

  1. Distinguish and understand diverse cultures.

  2. Evaluate historical knowledge and relate it to current issues.

  3. Recognize the impact of local, national, and global involvement.

Personal Development and Life-Long Learning

Demonstrate self-management, maturity, and growth through practices that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. (GE Breadth Area E)

Examples: Students will be able to:

  1. Analyze and apply interpersonal skills.

  2. Demonstrate an understanding of life long learning.

  3. Relate a healthy lifestyle and wellness to personal choices.

  4. Evaluate and adhere to professional and academic ethical standards.

(Adopted, April 3, 2007 and reviewed April 2010)