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A California State enrollment fee is charged per unit for all students. This enrollment fee is subject to change by the State Legislature. Enrollment fees are due at the time of registration.

For non-resident students, this enrollment fee must be paid in addition to the non-resident tuition fee. See Residency & Tuition for additional information.

Textbooks can be purchased through the bookstore directly or the Follett Access Textbook program. More information is posted on the Merced College Bookstore website the day before registration period begins.

IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REQUEST A REFUND. Student Refund Form is available online or in person at the Student Fees Office.

Listed below are the various student fees, charges, and the refund policy for each. Fees may be charged and/or changed without notice.


  • California State Enrollment Fee:
    $46 per unit

  • Non-resident Tuition:
    $305 per unit (Eff: Fall 2024), plus enrollment fee.

  • International Student Insurance:
    Approximately $600 per year is required; other insurance plans may be acceptable. Refund Policy: Refunds are in accordance with the insurance company’s policies.

  • Health Fee*:
    $26 per Fall/Spring semester (Eff: Spring 2024) and $22 per summer (Eff: Summer 2024), which includes campus accident and injury insurance coverage; community resource information, basic health and wellness services and information; short term personal counseling services.

  • Student Rep Fee**:
    $2 per semester (no fee for summer). Fee is used to support student advocacy at the local, state and national levels.

  • Student Body Fee***:
    $10 per semester (no fee for summer). Fee is used to support campus clubs, events, activities, and campus-based programs that will benefit the student population. Examples of supported programs are scholarships, multi-cultural campus events, and community resource outreach.

  • Transportation Fee:
    $9.95 - Per Semester: Students enrolled in 12 units or more

    $6.95 - Per Semester: Students enrolled in less than 12 units

    Students are able to utilize all service routes of "The Bus" at any time or day throughout the semester within Merced County.

  • Follett Access Textbook Program:
    $25 per credit unit: Ability to opt out by each term deadline. (per unit fee is subject to change*)

*Ed. Code Section 76355 allows exemption from the Health Fee solely to those students meeting the following criteria:

1. Depend exclusively upon prayer for healing in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization.
2. Are attending a community college under an approved apprenticeship training program.

Health Fee Waiver forms available at the Student Fees Office. This form must be submitted by the end of the first week of the semester. Please contact the Student Fees Office for more information.

**Ed. Code Section 76060.5 allows the students to request a waiver of the student rep fee. The Student Representation Fee Waiver Form is available online and at the Student Fees or ASMC office. This form must be submitted by the end of the first week of the semester.

***Per California Community College Student Fee Handbook section 4.3 states that the student body fee is optional to students: The Student Body Fee Waiver Form is available online and at the Student Fees or ASMC office. This form must be submitted by the end of the first week of the semester.


  • Transcript Fee:
    The first two transcripts are free; additional copies are $5 each. Next business day service may be available for pick-up or mailing for an additional charge of $10, but certain restrictions apply. Call (209) 386- 6620 for more information. Refund Policy: No refund available.

  • Parking Fee: (Fees are subject to change.)
    $30 per auto for Fall/Spring semesters and $15 for summer semester or $2 per day.

  • Child Care:
    As arranged per child by semester contract. Refund Policy: If services are cancelled with a two-week notice, a refund may be obtained for the remainder of the contract.

  • Auditing Fee:
    A fee of not more than $15 per unit, per term, is charged for auditing unless students are enrolled in at least 10 units at the time they apply to audit a class. Students already enrolled in at least 10 units may audit up to three units free of charge. The audit fee is non-refundable.

  • Return Check/Stop Payment Fee:
    $30 per returned transaction fee. Refund Policy: No refund available.

  • Subpoena Fee:
    $15 per request. Refund Policy: No refund available.

  • Duplicate Degree Fee:
    $10 per request. Refund Policy: No refund available.

  • Credit for Prior Learning:
    The fee is equal to the enrollment fee required if registering for the course. Non-resident tuition does not apply.