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For the Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and Associate of Science for Transfer (AS-T) Degree:

  1. The student must satisfactorily complete 60 semester units or 90 quarter units are eligible for transfer to the California State University.

  2. The work must include the appropriate Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education Breadth Requirements (CSU-GE).

  3. A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.

  4. All courses that count towards the major or area of emphasis must be "satisfactorily completed" with grades A, B, C, or P (pass).

  5. All degree requirements, including general education, must be completed with a degree-applicable grade point average of 2.0 or better.

  6. Students are not required to complete any additional local graduation requirements (e.g., PE and Computer and Information Literacy courses).

  7. The work must include at least 12 semester units of study in residence; exceptions to the residence requirement can be made by the Board when an injustice or undue hardship would result.

For the Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) Degree:

  1. Student must demonstrate competency in reading, in written expression, and in mathematics.

  2. The student must satisfactorily complete at least 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of college work. (A definition of "college work" that provides that courses acceptable toward the associate degree include those that have been properly approved pursuant to Title 5, Section 55002(a), or, if completed at other than a California community college, would reasonably be expected to meet the standards of that section).

  3. The work must include the Associate Degree Breadth Requirements and at least 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major listed in the Community Colleges "Taxonomy of Programs."

  4. Effective for all students admitted to a community college in Fall 2009 and thereafter, all courses that count towards the associate degree area of emphasis must be "satisfactorily completed" with grades A, B, C, or P (pass). All degree requirements, including general education, must be completed with a degree-applicable grade point average of 2.0 or better.

  5. The work must include at least 12 semester units or 18 quarter units of study in residence; exceptions to the residence requirement can be made by the Board when an injustice or undue hardship would result.

  6. Students may petition to have noncredit courses counted toward the satisfaction of requirements for an associate degree.

  7. Ethnic studies must be offered.

  8. District policies and procedures regarding general education and degree requirements are published in the college catalog and are on file with the State Chancellor's Office.

For a Certificate of Achievement:

  1. A student must successfully complete a course of study that consists of 16 or more semester units or quarter units of degree-applicable credit coursework.

  2. The Certificate of Achievement shall be designed to demonstrate that the student has completed coursework and developed capabilities related to career and general education.

  3. All courses that count towards the major or area of emphasis must be "satisfactorily completed" with grades A, B, C, or P (pass).

  4. Must have a Degree Applicable grade point average of 2.0 or better.

  5. The work must include at least 12 semester units of study in residence; exceptions to the residence requirement can be made by the Board when an injustice or undue hardship would result.

  6. Certificates of Achievement are subject to the approval by the Chancellor's Office.

For a Certificate of Proficiency:

  1. A student must successfully complete a course of study as established by the District. These certificates are not Chancellor's office approved, awarded at the District level, and may not be listed on the students' transcript.

  2. The Certificate of Proficiency shall be designed to demonstrate that the student has completed coursework and developed capabilities related to make a successful transition to an entry-level position in the work force.

  3. All courses that count towards the major or area of emphasis must be "satisfactorily completed" with grades A, B, C, or P (pass).

  4. The Certificate of Proficiency does not require 12 semester units of study in residence.

For a Noncredit Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Competency:

  1. The Merced College Adult Education and Noncredit Program offers a wide variety of classes to assist students seeking employment, help in relearning skills, and to meet current job requirements and promote skills for physical and emotional well-being. Students who complete a specified set of courses in a program earn a Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Competency.