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Computer Science A.S.-T. Degree (07200.AST)

School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

ADT Logo

The Associate in Science Degree in Computer Science is designed for students pursuing degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.

The Associate in Science in Computer Science for transfer is designed for students pursuing degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Upon completion of the transfer associate degree, the student is eligible for transfer with junior standing into the California State University (CSU) system. Students will be given priority consideration when applying to a particular program that is similar to the student’s community college area of emphasis.

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

A. Demonstrate the ability to understand the ethical, mathematical, and physical concepts that under lie computer science.

B. Demonstrate the ability to understand the different levels of abstraction that comprise computer science.

C. Create efficient, working computer programs that use fundamental programming constructs to solve real-life problems.

D. Prepare students to transfer to a four-year school and an internship, REU or job in Computer Science.

For an Associate in Science in Computer Science for Transfer (AS-T), students must complete the following:

  1. 60 semester CSU-transferable units.

  2. the California State University General Education (CSU-GE) pattern OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern.

  3. a minimum of 18 semester units in the major or area of emphasis as determined by the community college district.

  4. obtainment of a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.

  5. earn a grade of C (or P) or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis

Note: Students are not required to complete any additional local graduation requirements for the AS-T (e.g., PE and Computer and Information Literacy courses).

Visit the Program Mapper for more information on when to take classes and career information.

Program Requirements:

Program Core: (29-30 Units)


CPSC-06 Programming Concepts and Methodology I (3)
CPSC-14 C++ Programming (3)
ENGR-14 C++ Programming (3)


CPSC-39 Programming Concepts and Methodology II


CPSC-42 Computer Architecture and Organization


CPSC-07 Discrete Structures (3)
MATH-07 Discrete Structures (3)


MATH-04A Calculus I


MATH-04B Calculus II


PHYS-04A Physics I


CHEM-04A General Chemistry (5)
PHYS-04B Physics II (4)


Total Units Toward the Major: (29-30 Units)

Total Units that may be double counted: (-6-7 Units)

General Education (CSU-GE or IGETC) Units: (37-39 Units)

Elective (CSU Transferable) Units: (0-1 Units)

Total Degree Units: (60 Units)

Care should be taken in selecting courses appropriate to meet the student’s professional and intended transfer institution requirements.

Programs of Similar Interest:

Contact Information


Marie Bruley


(209) 384-6293

School Office



(209) 381-6478

Computer Science Website