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Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate (12800.CT)

School of Allied Health and Public Safety

Diagnostic Medical Sonography is a full-time Certificate of Achievement program that offers didactic, directed hands-on laboratory, and professionally supervised clinical training in Diagnostic Medical Sonography-Abdominal-Extended, and Diagnostic Medical Sonography - Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Entrance Requirement:

Bachelor's Degree in any subject (or higher education completed)
Associate of Science Professional degree in either Radiologic Technology or Registered Nursing or Nuclear Medicine or Respiratory Therapy or Paramedic. Only these programs are acceptable. You must be licensed at the time of application.

Program Prerequisites and Information:

ALLH-67, BIOL-16, BIOL-18, ENGL-01A or COMM-01/H; MATH-10 or PSYC-05 OR MATH-15 or MATH-25 or MATH-26 or equivalent or higher level Math course; PHYS-10 or RADT-13.

All program prerequisites must be passed with a grade of “C” or better and combined GPA of 2.35.

Program Application and Additional Information

Only one cohort is in session at a time. The entire program is composed of one summer session and four semesters.

Accepted students must provide proof of the following requirements: Tdap, MMR, HEP A, HEP B, Varicella, Current Flu Vaccine, Negative TB Test or Negative Chest X-Ray, CPR Certification (American Heart Association - BLS), Physical, criminal background and drug screening clearances.

Further information will be provided at the MANDATORY orientation. If a student is unable to provide proof of these requirements within the designated timeframe, the student will be deemed ineligible for admission.

While enrolled in the program, you will be assigned to various clinic facilities in addition to the on-campus portions of the program. By enrollment into the program, you agree to accept clinical assignments in whatever clinical site you are assigned. Clinical assignments will be scheduled during the normal working day hours.


The Merced College DMS General Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
9355 113th St. N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775
(727) 210-2350
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificate of Achievement is available for students who successfully complete the full program option. For successful completion, a student must complete the requirements with a minimum grade of a “C” (or P) in each course with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher. Students will be eligible to write the following qualifying examinations of the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS):

  1. Physical principles/instrumentation, AND

  2. Special Examination Option in Abdomen, AND

  3. Special Examination Option in OB/GYN.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

A. Develop the writing skills to prepare medical manuscripts for clinical case study presentation.

B. Analyze the theory of ultrasound physics, anatomy, pathophysiology to differentiate normal sonographic appearances.

C. Develop an understanding of medical ethical standard and cultural diversity.

D. Develop scanning competencies in the various modalities of sonography.

E. Analyze the theory of ultrasound physics, anatomy, and pathophysiology in sonographic disease differential diagnoses.

Visit the Program Mapper for more information on when to take classes and career information.

Program Requirements:

Program Core: (49 Units)


SONO-40 Ultrasound Physics I


SONO-41 Introduction to Sonography


SONO-42A Abdominal Sonography


SONO-42B Clinical Experience I


SONO-44A Ultrasound Physics II


SONO-44B Clinical Experience II


SONO-44C Superficial Structures


SONO-43A OB/GYN Sonography


SONO-43B Clinical Experience III


SONO-45A Integrative Study in Sonography


SONO-45B Clinical Experience IV


SONO-45C Basics of Vascular Sonography


Total: (49 Units)

Contact Information


Valerie Albano


(209) 384-6309

School Office



(209) 381-6478

Sonography Website